Tuesday, 27 August 2013


Poor Singapore
Gini Ratio from 1980s to now.
Pap Finance Minister, Mr Tharman noted that the Gini Ratio was 0.44 in the 1980s and escalating until 0.48 in the 2007 [link]. In other words, the problem is not new. Yet, there was never a deliberate attempt by pap to correct or even mention the problem until the 2011 elections. I am unsure how the the Gini Ratio is done, but the website Heart Truths has done an outstanding analysis of the Gini Ratio [link].

Good Governance Vs Bad Governance

An outstanding government is one who is able to recognize imminent issue and prevent it from become full blown. It is like the head of the household noting that a flame in the kitchen is a fire hazard. A good governance will noted that there is an oncoming issue, attempt to solve it, but is only able to reduce the damage. An average government fails to notice the upcoming issue, but is able to solve to quickly when the issues become full blown. A bad governance is one when the issue is presented, is unable to deal with the issue. A terrible one is one that fails to solve the issue and blames it on everyone else. This is akin to blaming the household members for not noting the flame when it eventually becomes a fire that engulf the whole house (and it is worse when the household members are already making feedback on the flame in the 2000s, but was ignored!)

Leadership of current pap government?

There are 3 generations of pap leaders [see link for definitions]. From the 1980s till 2010s, pap failed to recognize the polarization of the rich-poor gap. Instead, pap was concerned with the economy and importing more FTs to sustain the economy. At a recent survey, 50% of the respondents wanted less FTs even if it meant a slower growth compared to 28% wanting the opposite[link]. As the rich-poor gap is now causing issues in our daily life, all the current pap leadership seemed to do is blame the past leaders for not identifying the Gini ratio problem earlier.  It is like the head of the household blaming the grandparents for not noting the flame which eventually become a fire! Likewise, they have mentioned once again that Singaporeans have been living in such problems since the 1980s! Once again, this is like the head of the household telling Singaporeans that the flame that burnt down the house is our fault as we have been living with the flame for a long time.

Top dollars for such Leadership?

The pap ministers are the highest paid ministers in the world [link], even after the so called pay cut. Was the pay cut a wayang just like Prince William visit [link] or their own crowd at the election rallies [link]? Eventually, it is undeniable that they are the highest paid. As such, it is inevitable that with such a pay, an acceptable quality of service and solutions are required. Otherwise, why pay top money for poor leadership and a lack of therefore?


Has pap identified the social impact of the rich-poor divide? What other issues have they missed? Are they concerned about the living conditions of the Singaporeans or rather their votes in 2016? Will you trust a government who will only look into existing issues only when Singaporeans threaten with their votes? Will you prefer alternative parties who are already raising the issues before elections and coming with plausible solutions?  Who is more sincere and genuine in wanting to solve the rich-poor gap? With our highly paid pap ministers, and claiming that they are the chosen from the best, will they be looking after Singaporeans or their votes?
Do you still trust pap?

I leave it to Singaporeans to decide. Please vote wisely in 2016 or it may be Singaporeans last chance to do so as the 6.9 million- population will change the demographics of the voting citizens.

Time for a regime change in 2016?

Source: Anson Be

1 comment:

  1. Hi, nice blog shared above. Really very interesting post shared above. Awaiting for more posts like this.
